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Sunday, May 9, 2010


Today was a very good day for me because all my dishes went fine. The trout was well cooked, the sauce with the almonds had a good taste, my fish and chips was well done flaky and white in the inside and crispy in the outside.
The potatoes more or less where ok. I could use some improvement in the potato department but for being the first time I try to do balls of potato it was fine.
And on top my hollandaise sauce was very praised by Chef Brown which make me really happy :)

*Deep fry is an indirect technique used for dry cooking in tender items.

Pan Frying:
Trout Almondine
1ea Trout, whole, dressed
A/n AP flour
A/n Salt and pepper
2T Sliced Almonds
A/n Clarified butter
1ea Lemon
1oz Whole butter (brown for final sauce)
3ea Lemon Supremes for garnish

3ea Swiss chard leaves. Washed with stems intact, and still wet
1oz Bacon lardoons
Tt Salt and pepper

French Fries
1 Kennebec potato, Pont Neuf
tt salt

Parisienne Potatoes
1ea Peeled russet potato
2t Italian parsley, hacher
2T Blended oil

Deep Frying Fish and Chips
1 oz Cornstarch
3.5oz Flour
Tt Salt and white pepper
2.5oz Water
½ oz Amber beer
¼ t Baking powder
6oz Cod pieces
1ea Parsley sprig
1ea Lemon wedge
2 oz Tartar sauce

Mayonnaise and Tartar sauce
1ea Egg yolk
1 T Lemon juice
1 t Dijon mustard
6oz Salad oil
1 t Worcestershire sauce
tt Tabasco sauce
¼ c Cornichons, finely chopped
¼ c Parsley, finely chopped
2 T Shallots, hacher
2 T Capers
tt Salt and pepper
Today we did individual and group preparations which consisted of marinating the meat and cutting the potatoes.

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